Land Surveying Services

Land Surveying Services

Gluckler & Den Bleyker performs the following services. Need an estimate? Please contact us for your individual needs.

Location Survey / Title Survey

The most common survey, a title survey land surveying companies perform is a map locating all buildings, fences and other structures on the property as well as improvements on adjacent properties. This type of land survey is particularly important in real estate purchases so you can identify any issues that could adversely affect your boundary lines. At Gluckler & Den Bleyker, land surveying is what we do; it is not an add on service. 

In New Jersey, a title survey, by law, includes the setting of property corner markers. If you do not wish to incur the additional cost, you are required to waive (in writing) the exclusion of property corner markers.

Flood Elevation Certificates

Any building in a flood zone, as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), may require flood insurance. If the proximity to the flood zone is in question, the property owner can order a flood elevation certificate to determine to what extent the property is at risk of flooding.

Building Permit / Municipal Code Compliance Surveys

When a resident or business needs to appear before a municipal Planning and/or Zoning Board, generally updated surveys are requested. We can provide the required information and expert testimony on behalf of the client should it be necessary.
• Site Planning
• Subdivisions (Each municipality’s planning board requires this map when a property is being divided to create a new lot.)

Property Corner Markout

This type of survey locates your property corners with markers and is usually required when putting up a fence or constructing something new on or near the property lines.


This title survey is performed to the specifications of The American Land Title Association, in conjunction with the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. Due to the complexity of these surveys, further discussions are necessary to determine requirements.

 Topographic Survey

This type of survey shows the elevations and other property details for construction.

Pre- and Post-Construction Surveys

New construction requires a Property Corner Survey and may include a Topographic Survey. This type of survey usually involves:
• Setting points to place building
• After excavation set points to indicate foundation
• An “as built” location survey of the foundation which is needed before continuing with construction
• A final “as-built” location survey which shows completed structure

 Property Dispute Resolution

When disputes arise between neighboring properties, a comprehensive survey is conducted to accurately determine property boundaries. Furthermore, we can provide expert testimony on behalf of the client should it be necessary.

Let us know how we can help.